Keyboard worrier

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

UK debts mounting

And Rob Mackrill in today's email edition of The Daily Reckoning reveals that Britain has problems that, relative to the size of our economy, stand comparison with America's:

UK consumer debt now weighs in at £1,345bn - a sum that exceeds our entire output of goods and services, according to accountants Grant Thornton in a note this morning.

Official receivers and trustees in bankruptcy generally seem to do rather well out of this kind of mess - perhaps rather too well.

I had some clients who wound up their firm but pulled out all the stops to collect all debts and pay creditors as much as possible themselves; both clients and creditors benefited far, far more than if they had yielded to the usual arrangements - which I saw in other cases. Ordinary people are shaved going into debt and skinned coming out.

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