Keyboard worrier

Monday, June 18, 2007

Contrarian update

Let's take a look at the 6 contrarians favoured by Investment U:

Jim Rogers reportedly (today) likes farmland in Latin America, because of the water supply (I think Bill Bonner has gotten into this, too)

Marc Faber is sounding very cautious and cash-oriented at the moment, though I have previously quoted a report of his investments

John Templeton is quoted as stating the principle “invest at the point of absolute pessimism,” a point which surely hasn't yet been reached

Sam Zell has sold a real estate business (Equity Office Partners) to Blackstone - which makes the Chinese a part owner of New York, and the Daily Reckoning thinks Zell did rather better out of the deal than Blackstone. Zell is reportedly buying the Tribune media group

Eduardo Elsztain is in Argentine real estate

George Soros' recent portfolio is reported here and the same source reports his purchase of rail companies recently - an indication of moving towards more conservative value investing?

... and Steve Sjuggerud, also mentioned in the Investment U article that named the above, is tipping shares in a gold mining venture.

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