Keyboard worrier

Monday, May 21, 2007

Peter Schiff interview with MarketWatch

I'm not quite sure how to rate bears - stars don't give the right flavour. Honeypots? Claws? Anyhow, if Michael Panzner merits five of them, Peter Schiff is only a three or four, since he recommends a tailored suit/e of high-yielding, conservative, non-US value stocks as well as gold and mining shares.

For an introduction to his excellent book, "Crash Proof", see this. Click here for audio of Mr Schiff's interview last month on, and here for MW's covering note.


Anonymous said...

An email to CNBC:

When Erin Burnett asked Peter Schiff if he was a communist, because she did not like what he was saying, he should have responded with "No! are you a fascist?"
The free trade crap that most of you at CNBC are espousing is not only destroying our economy, but also destroying our democracy.
You are helping destroy this great country -- we need fair trade, not free trade!!

Sackerson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sackerson said...

I undersand the strength of feeling of the first commentator - it's one of the reasons I started this site. We have to manage the situation better somehow, because economic problems impact on millions of ordinary people.

(In case anyone is wondering about the second (deleted) comment, it's mine - I spotted a typo.)