Broad Oak Magazine
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A hundred flowers
From ChinaSMACK : We Must Sternly Repress Counter-Revolutionaries (1951) 前三十年毛把中国弄成了人间地狱,后三十年拔乱返正,逐步走上正轨和理性! The first 30 years tu...
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Illegal NSA surveillance, Ronald Reagan and after
"The Smoking man" Source: Wikipedia Ronnie endorsing smoking ( Source ) Do dee do do, do dee do do... It w...
Monday, February 02, 2009
Number crunching - fractional reserve banking
Supposedly, banks lend 10 times (or more) what they have on deposit. Yet in June last year, it was estimated that total UK consumer borrowi...
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