Sunday, March 02, 2025

In which I get banned from Twitter/X

It’s supposed to be a leading free speech platform but there are limits. Unfortunately the limits are patrolled by people of limited understanding.

I was responding to a tweet that showed an advert for people in the UK to go over to Ukraine and join the fight against the Russians. It said experience was useful but not necessary.

This isn’t Spain in the 1930s. You can’t just pick up a rifle and walk towards the enemy. Greenhorns are not likely to survive for long on a modern battlefield. Units have been wiped out when one of their members was stupid enough to use their mobile phone and so pinpoint their position. Drones carrying personnel-killing munitions wander around - I’ve seen a clip of some poor soldier running round a disabled tank to try to escape the drone following him like a hornet, until it got close enough at the end of the first circuit. How the operator must have laughed.

No wonder that combat fatigue dressed groups are scouring the streets of Kiev to kidnap teenagers and press them into military service. Those kids are not the ones who can afford to pay thousands to border control guards to let them out of the country - which may be part of the way how Zelensky has allegedly become a billionaire.

Now they are looking for foolish foreigners who think they can re-create the International Brigade.

So I said it would be simpler just to stay home and sh**t oneself.

Immediate cancellation, which will apparently last for at least a week. I can read, but not post, ‘like’ or comment.

Thing is, you can’t argue with the idiot who has all the power, any more than you can argue with a drone. Clearly they don’t consider context or understand irony, sarcasm and dark humour.

Hey-ho. When - if - I am allowed back on, perhaps I can send this to Elon Musk.


  1. Unless you have solid evidence, the only claims I have seen that say that Zelenskyy is a billionaire originate with Russian sources.

  2. On this minor point, here is an alternative view:


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