Wednesday, March 26, 2008

USA - Economy (latest in RED)

Dumping of US treasuries imminent, starting with Korea, says Burnick

"Matt" on US M3, the money supply, inflation

California realtors report house prices collapsing (htp: Drudge Report, LA Times)

Skills shortgage hampering US job repatriation, says AT&T chief (htp: Drudge Report)

2008 US durable goods report: semiconductors down sharply since New Year (htp: Karl Denninger)

Brad Setser presentation (Sept 2006): "Chinese Financing of the United States"

"Naked Capitalism"blog: "China now buys a lot of US debt through London..."

In 2007, UK increased holding of US public debt by 224% to $300 bn, Japan reduced by $50 bn

Major sectors of US economy already in foreign hands


  1. The UK "holding" of U.S. long term securities is an interesting issue. Brad Setser has shown that China does a lot of it's buying through the UK and that the UK number is continually revised downward with concomitant increases for China in subsequent reports.

  2. Interesting, Matt - is that so as "not to frighten the horses"?

  3. "China now buys a lot of US debt through London..."

    The Americans in the 1857 panic showed London was the hub..


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