Thursday, March 27, 2008

Recent newspage updates

From "The Big Picture" blog

Dumping of US treasuries imminent, starting with Korea, says Burnick

Don Boudreaux interviewed (by a colleague) on his liberal econ book "Globalization"

"Not until total debt comes down to a realistic number can a real recovery take place. If debt is to be destroyed to that magnitude the deflation will be monstrous."

Mish: "Germany fears global meltdown"

Hutchinson: new financial system by 2013

Derivatives: Banking capital "insufficient to handle even one per cent of potential losses."

"Matt" on US M3, the money supply, inflation

California realtors report house prices collapsing (htp: Drudge Report, LA Times)

Skills shortgage hampering US job repatriation, says AT&T chief (htp: Drudge Report)

KPMG criticised for allegedly poor auditing of failed US mortgage firm (htp: Drudge Report)

2008 US durable goods report: semiconductors down sharply since New Year (htp: Karl Denninger)

Monty Guild: stock rally if mortgage bond market stabilises; invest in non-leveraged areas


  1. KPMG criticised for allegedly poor auditing of failed US mortgage firm (htp: Drudge Report)

    This is hugely interesting to you, Sackers?

  2. O/T I'm afraid:

    Sackers, would you care to add your stats or links on this current debate on Climate Change? It would be appreciated.

  3. James:

    1. KPMG left written evidence that could sink them:

    2. Will look at your CC debate, don't expect I know anything much useful.


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