I have already referred today to Faber's interview on Minesite.com and would like to pull out one or two strands:
Faber thinks "...all real estate markets around the world are in cuckoo land and that they will all correct at some stage meaningfully even if you print money".
Asked whether he has real estate himself, he says, "I own properties in Asia, in New Zealand and in Vietnam in particular and in Thailand, and Indonesia and some in Switzerland; but ... I never borrow money to buy my properties, I pay cash ... I also own gold, and I also own some shares of course, I’m just diversified; but in general, I am very liquid at the present time... I’m holding a lot of cash at all times."
Re precious metals and inflation: "I tell you, the US has no other option but to print money. And they’ll go down like the Roman Empire in a huge hyperinflation. " He is bullish on silver and gold (especially gold), though he notes the danger that in a crisis, the government may simply expropriate investors' holdings of precious metals, as has happened in the US before.
Faber also notes that the expansion in the money supply in the West is not matched by increases in GDP, which is why we have speculative bubbles and a stalled standard of living: "...in the 50s and 60s and 70s if you increased your debt in the United States by $1 you got essentially also a dollar's worth of GDP growth. Now in the last 5 years, total credit market debt in the US has grown by $13 trillion but GDP by just $2.3 trillion." By contrast, in the East, living standards have risen: "I moved to Hong Kong in 1973. When I came, Taiwan, South Korea were very, very poor countries, as well as Singapore was like a dump at that time. Today, Singapore is the richest country in the world and, you see that the standards of living of people, has over the last 30 years, improved very dramatically in these countries. Whereas in Switzerland I go there, back, a few times a year I don’t see any meaningful improvements in the standard of living."
I think I have to speak personally now. What worries me, since I'm not rich and live in a large ex-industrial city, is not how to profit from the crash, as Peter Schiff advises, but what my life is going to be like when my neighbours and their children are strapped for cash, unemployed (or in Mcjobs) and increasingly resentful. Shouldn't we get our noses out of the financial press and start to become concerned about the social cost of the folly and cynicism of our banks and governments?
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