An interesting audio file of Gary Dorsch (Global Money Trends, Sir Chartsalot) being interviewed by Jim Puplava (Financial Sense) on 16 June.
He notes UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (i.e. finance minister) Gordon Brown's denial that increases in the money supply are closely correlated with inflation, and says that this is why governments around the world don't raise interest rates fast enough and high enough. (Now that Gordon Brown is Prime Minister, I don't expect a sudden change of heart.)
Dorsch also notes that foreigners are becoming reluctant to keep pumping cash into US Treasury bonds, and bond yields are rising. He regards the yield on the 10-year bond as critical for housing and stockmarket valuations.
He also notes that Japan is resisting rises on its own 10-year bond yield, for fear of a strengthening yen and weakening trade balance; but the rate (c. 2%) is still so incredibly low that traders are borrowing vast sums (the Japanese have $7.5 trillion in bonds, I think Dorsch stated) to invest in global equities. So until there is a significant hike, the "carry trade" will continue to help inflate stocks. He wonders whether at some point, "bond vigilantes" will have enough strength to force an interest rate rise.
Meanwhile, Dorsch notes growing interest in commodities. He likes producing countries such as Canada, Australia and Brazil, and thinks that the ever-growing demand for base metals and energy (especially oil) from China and India will bear them up on the tide.
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