Broad Oak Magazine
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Munchausen (1781) - part 8
( Pic source ) 8) Once when I was an officer in the Hussars, I took part in a hot skirmish. Afterwards I rode towards a village and ...
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Munchausen (1781) - part 7
( Pic source ) 7) One day when I was out hunting I’d run completely out of ammunition, when suddenly I came across a magnificent st...
Friday, May 29, 2015
Munchausen (1781) - part 6
( Pic source ) 6) Another time on the hunt, I saw two wild boar, one following the other very closely; I took a snap shot that flew be...
FIFA Fuss and F-You Litigation
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Thursday, May 28, 2015
Counsellors of despair
Chris Hedges at Truthdig ("Our mania for hope is a curse") wants us to give up hope so that we will be impelled to act. Shan...
Munchausen (1781) - Part 5
( Pic source ) 5) One day when I was out hunting in Russia I came upon a beautiful black fox, whose pelt I wanted to have as undam...
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Munchausen (1781) - Part 4
( Pic source ) ______________________________ 4) One day I looked out of my window and saw a large team of wild ducks on the lake. M...
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