Broad Oak Magazine
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Why we should switch to Land Value Taxation, by Mark Wadsworth
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania USA - the "Georgist" town is an LVT success story . There are plenty of articles explaining why ta...
Saturday, October 12, 2013
A rant
Richard Murphy grits his teeth at the Daily Mail , which is fighting a rearguard action on its criticisms of Miliband père and has started ...
Max Hastings' devastating revelation of right-wing American sexual practices!
"They want to reset the clock to around 1955, when... sex was kept in its proper place under the carpet." (In the Daily Mail to...
Reporting Heath's Treason (2)
(Pic source) The adjective "superb" is often awarded too easily, but in this case it is fully justified. Last week, Albert B...
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Default Risk Zero
So the US government is having a little argument about the debt ceiling again. China and Japan have warned that a US default might be a l...
A graphic tale
This is a wee story of days gone by, imparted to me in the seventies. Once upon a time there was a small laboratory on the edge of the ...
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Dead Man's Fingers
Xylaria polymorpha or Dead Man's Fingers growing on a dead tree near Cromford in Derbyshire. Good name isn't it? All origin...
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