Broad Oak Magazine
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Inequality, housing costs and resetting the economy
Charles High Smith posts (as many times before) on the widening inequality of income and asset ownership in the USA. This time he uses it to...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Will fusion power save us?
Forwarded to me by Paddington, an article that gives us hope for future energy production and the continuance of the civilisation we're ...
Prince William, Kate Middleton and Bishop Broadbent
The death of deference cuts both ways... Above , the man who put the "pric" in "bishopric" - Rt Rev "Pete" Br...
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Airport X-ray bodyscanning machines may increase cancer rates
Read this .
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
Is there a science of flavour combining?
You're probably familiar with versions of the colour wheel, first attempted by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666 ( left ) and since reworked in d...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Blowing a stolen trumpet
As others have noted , blogging appears to be undergoing a recession (rage is so tiring); so I am thankful for any scraps of recognition or ...
Inflation vs deflation revisited
I am flattered to receive attention from the Economic Policy Journal re my recent post on the Weimar hyperinflation of 1923. (I should have ...
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