Broad Oak Magazine
Friday, November 30, 2007
Something Golden This Way Comes
Stock traders' bonuses are calculated on the basis of profits made up to... NOW . And perhaps not entirely by coincidence, the Dow has c...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
"Give me Liberty or give me debt"
Bernard von Nothaus , issuer of the "Liberty Dollar" is sounding feisty. Such people are most inconvenient for the smooth running ...
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The long-term price of gold
I referred yesterday to an article by Tony Allison, which reproduced a graph of the long-term inflation-adjusted price of gold. Here is the...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I beg to differ
I seem to recall it was some Supreme Court decision, where one judge said he dissented from the view of his colleagues "for the reasons...
"Legal tender for all debts, public and private"
Karl Denninger is emphatic that there's going to be a deflation, not inflation, and investing in metals won't save us. Part of his ...
Drinking in Last Chance Saloon
The Orient Saloon at Bisbee, Arizona Michael Panzner alerts us to an article by Martin Hutchinson in Prudent Bear, which explains how the r...
Monday, November 26, 2007
The top card's getting a mite dusty
Dimitri Speck (in Financial Sense ) looks at the behaviour of gold when the stockmarket falls, and tends to the conclusion to which we'...
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