Broad Oak Magazine
Friday, August 31, 2007
What Bank of England?
Further to yesterday's piece on the licence to the European Central Bank to seize the Bank of England's assets, here are two relevan...
On the nose?
Aubie Baltin in DollarDaze gives it out straight from the shoulder: a 50% drop in US real estate that will take 10 years to turn around; a ...
The Dow 9,000 prediction
In SafeHaven on 9 July 2007, Robert McHugh predicted the Dow would drop to 9,000 "over the intermediate-term, although if the PPT respo...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
More on the Euro as the dollar's replacement
From the website of the Campaign for an Independent Britain , a point about Britain's gold reserves. This strengthens the speculation t...
Money safety update - American banks
"I warn you, Sir! The discourtesy of this bank is beyond all limits. One word more and I—I withdraw my overdraft." ( Punch, June...
1 comment:
Doug Casey: business cycles and subprime loans
"The Man In The Moone" by Francis Godwin, Bishop of Hereford (1620) I noticed years ago that you get the crispest explanations fro...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
2012: Olduvai Theory, sunspots and energy planning
Wm. Robert Johnston's reconstruction of the last Ice Age (at 16,000 BC) A fascinating article by Brian Bloom in The Market Oracle...
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