Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Is Starmer a Tractor?

There is a word for someone who acts against the interests of his country. Let’s say he hasn't specifically intended to harm us. Mabe he’s just stupid, what we call a ‘tool.’ In concrete terms he might be compared to a miswielded hammer or sickle, though if the harm he does is on a major scale you’ll need to compare him to a mechanised implement like, oh, an incompetently driven tractor?

Senator John Kennedy explains here very clearly why the British Prime Minister’s proposal to gift the Chagos Islands to Mauritius is disastrous:

Mauritius has zero entitlement to the Chagos Islands and never did have. It’s just that Britain took over both from France in 1810 and administered them from Mauritius. The PM feels obliged to follow a non-binding 2019 ruling by the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands that was backed by its vice-President Xue Hanqin, a former Chinese Communist official.

There is a US military base on the Chagos island of Diego Garcia, which lies strategically situated in the Indian Ocean controlling sea lanes in which the expansionist Chinese Government is keenly interested.

The former President of Mauritius wanted £9 billion over a period of years as compensation for permitting the US and UK to continue to use the base; his replacement wants double that. Ever since coming into office Starmer has been referring to a £22 billion ‘black hole’ in the finances left him by the Tories; yet it does not seem to have caused him any trouble in entering this commitment.

Three weeks ago the Conservatives reportedly accused the PM of “traitorous levels of national sabotage.” If that is so, put him on trial; he loves the law. Failing that, I will restrict myself to call him “tractorous.” Sir Keir, John Deere.

Senator Kennedy suggests that Sir Keir is suffering from post-colonial guilt and should instead buy himself an emotional support pony.

I would go further. I’d say Starmer should saddle it up and ride off into the sunset.

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