Wednesday, November 15, 2023

SPAIN: Letting the Catalan out of the Bag, by JD

You may recall that in 1968 John Lennon described governments of the world as being insane, doing insane things for insane reasons. At some point in the Seventies George Harrison said the world is run by mad people.

Now I get the feeling that madness or insanity is official policy everywhere. And Spain has not escaped the insanity, disguised as political opportunism.

Spain's PM, Pedro Sanchez, has introduced an amnesty law for Catalan nationalists in exchange for their support in propping up his minority government. Needless to say there have been widespread protests, thousands have taken to the streets waving Spanish flags. I saw one video in which the crowds were chanting "Periodistas, terroristas!" as their press is as bad as ours if not worse.

Here is a video of Tucker Carlson in Spain on Monday. He said the news is not being reported in the US (or here in the UK) and he wanted to highlight it on his TwitterX platform.

I have previously written about the madness of the Catalan politicians, especially here:

Why do people go into politics? Is it because of arrested development and they remain forever 12 year olds in a school playground?


  1. It's not just the Catalans (although they are the worst), Spain is littered with regions eager to assert their independence without a hope of ever making it economically viable. All cheered on by the meddling EU of course. My wife (who is Spanish, if you remember) is certain that this is simply because they are painfully thick.

  2. @W:I suppose I shouldn't mention the Scots Nats?


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