Friday, August 12, 2022

FRIDAY MUSIC: Manu Chao, by JD

This week it is the turn of Manu Chao who is Spanish but was born in Paris. His music is a mix of Spanish, French, African, South American with lots of other influences besides. 

And a song for Diego Armando Maradona, they always like to include a clip of his 'hand of God' goal against England!
"Manu Chao helped begin the Latin alternative movement way back in the '80s -- although it had no name then -- and in his later work he cut a cross-cultural swath across styles and geographic boundaries. Chao was born on June 21, 1961, in Paris to Spanish parents -- his father, Ramon Chao, a respected writer, comes from Galicia, his mother Bilbao. Growing up bilingual, he was also influenced by the punk scene across the English Channel that happened while he was still in his teens."


  1. I know that you are 5 hours ahead of us, but it's still Thursday morning here.


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