Thursday, April 15, 2021

Like a hot knife through PLO jibberjabber

Following Sunday's piece about disinformation re Israel, here's a stunning (literally - see the faces!) speech to the UN by the son of a Hamas founder, dynamiting the 'PLO good, Israel bad' narrative:

'Who the h*ll let this b*st*rd off the reservation?'

'If Israel did not exist, you would have no-one to blame,' says Musab Hassan Yousef.


  1. Amazing, loved it, wonder if that will appear on the BBC ? is that a pig I see flying by ?

  2. Ask Lebanese Christians (I have some as friends), what they think of the situation.

  3. @P: tell us, I don't think I know any Lebanese Christians - what do they think?

    I thought the Christians in the region are like the Oysters in Lewis Carroll's The Walrus and the Carpenter.

  4. I love North Korea putting in their two cents; satire is dead.

  5. The ones that I know are not fond of the Muslims.

    There are still 500,000 Christians in Iraq.


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