When the Opposition forgets its duty to oppose – the
Spectator’s editorial on 10 April called it a ‘collapse of democratic scrutiny’
- HMG is unlikely to be suitably hard on itself. On the contrary, in the panic
to ‘do something’ it drove through the Coronavirus Act in a single day in each
House, worded so as to give itself not only wide powers to restrict our
movements (Schedules 21 and 22) but also a shockingly relaxed six months
between Parliamentary reviews, the last having taken place on 25 March in the
space of a mere 3 ½ hours https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2021-03-25/debates/9701394F-FF53-4364-85E1-F017B13CE921/Coronavirus
As Lord Sumption noted in his October lecture ‘Government by
Decree’ https://resources.law.cam.ac.uk/privatelaw/Freshfields_Lecture_2020_Government_by_Decree.pdf
and as reconfirmed by the Health Secretary in the 25 March debate, the Government
is basing its measures on the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984,
which is worded in a dangerously woolly way. Lord Sumption commented: ‘It is a
basic constitutional principle that general words are not to be read as
authorizing the infringement of fundamental rights,’ and contrasted that 1984
Act with one the Government might have chosen to use instead, the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/36/contents
Like the 1984 Act the 2004 Act allows the Government carte
blanche, but recognising the perils of such power it also requires, says
the noble Lord:
‘a high degree of Parliamentary scrutiny… Emergency
regulations under the Civil Contingencies Act must be laid before Parliament in
draft before they are made. If the case is too urgent for that, they must be
laid before Parliament within seven days or they will lapse. If necessary,
Parliament must be recalled. Even if the regulations are approved, the
regulations can remain in force for only 30 days unless they are renewed and
reapproved. Unusually, Parliament is authorised to amend or revoke them at any
The Government’s information and strategies may or may not
be correct in every detail, but it should not be left to the news and social
media, demonstration and riot to provide that scrutiny and opposition.
Perhaps our long involvement with the European imperial
project and its masses of secondary legislation has led us to forget how our
own system works. Westminster resembles a vintage car put up on bricks while
the owner was abroad, and now it has to be serviced to make it roadworthy
again. Before the law machine roars into life and straight for the nearest
tree, we need the brakes and steering provided by the committees, the
Opposition and the House of Lords.
My suggestion, which I hope you will accept, is that we
should pick up on Lord Sumption’s observations and ask our MPs to press the
Government to re-base its extraordinary power grab on the Civil Contingencies
Act 2004 so that an equally extraordinary degree of scrutiny can be applied. If
that had happened on 25 March, the 30-day review would be due this week, rather
than next September.
MPs will only respond to their own constituents, so please
find your representative and contact them as per the information on TheyWorkForYou
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/ .
Other countries have had more severe approaches, which appear to work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_death_rates_by_country
ReplyDeleteIt's not about the strategies, but about the accountability.
ReplyDeleteNot here it isn't. Lots of people are even demonstrating with guns, or spitting and coughing on strangers, just because they don't want to wear masks.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not talking about crazy America. If the current UK Government gets away with this power grab, they pave the way for a much worse future government.
ReplyDeleteThe distrust of the UK government may well be justified.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have watched from afar as the UK followed the US social trends, in eating and obesity, in extreme forms of Christianity, in the structure of political campaigns, and more. I fear that the country is following the US in science denial as well.
The point is to keep interrogating the government so that it doesn't get too big for its boots. Then when accosted by an angry publican the politician can say these facts and arguments were presented and carefully considered in Parliament.