In The Conservative Woman today, Daniel Miller argues that it is still too early for President Trump to formally concede defeat (a Congresswoman was obliged to write to the GSA some days ago to point out that Biden is not yet 'President-elect', and the latest MSM reports about first steps preparing for a transfer of power are still wrong in implying that Trump has quit or abandoned his allegation of cheating); Miller sketches some of the concerns about the conduct of the voting and counting:
We await convincing proof of malpractice, but there is indirect evidence that may ring little alarm bells. 'Zman' outlines some of the odd features of the results-as-reported:
James Howard Kunstler echoes the implausibility of JB's alleged landslide and points out that Biden, if he wins, faces settled Republican opposition, just as Trump had four years of 'he's not MY President!'
This election is reminiscent in some ways of Tony Blair's path to the British premiership in 1997: every fault of the incumbent government, every minor scandal, was damning proof of their complete unfitness to rule, while most of the media saw it as their duty to boost New Labour, the moral new broom that was going to sweep clean.
'Marry in haste, repent at leisure.'
For me, its not whether Trump lost because of enough vote rigging to overturn his vote totals, its more that every case of vote rigging and 'mistakes' that have been found and documented just happen to favour one side. Regardless of whether the rigging affected the overall result its obvious that Democrats have been at the very least attempting to rig the vote. And given the difficulty in detecting such a fraud, especially in postal ballots, one would have to conclude that if X% of fraud has been discovered thats just the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that its a grand conspiracy, I think its a case of 'Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?' writ large. The media and political Left have been calling Trump all names under the sun for 5 years now, and declaring that any means would be legitimate to remove him. Would it be a surprise if the State apparatus (which would be overwhelmingly Democrat leaning) took that as a green light to just tilt the table against Trump at every opportunity, however small? From the vote counter who chucks a Trump vote on the Biden pile every one in 5, or the count manager who 'loses' some data from a Trump leaning area, to the Union van driver who 'loses' a few boxes of ballots or accept a few 'extra' ones from someone no questions asked, to the 'community organiser' who harvests a few hundred votes for Biden off the dead and unlikely to vote, right the way up to the programmer designing the voting software that might be tweaked to favour one side or the other in certain circumstances, if tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals all push slightly one way rather than the other, then the result will be drastically affected. Its doesn't take a grand conspiracy in these interconnected times for a lot of people to be working individually to the same goal.
@Sobers - Don't let the facts get in your way. Such minor irregularities that have been found have gone bot ways. In Wayne County Michigan, problems in ballots from Detroit (mostly Democrat) were more than balanced in number by similar issues from the surrounding suburbs (mostly Republican). It was just the GOP members on the Board of Elections who wanted to throw out only the votes from the city, strangely enough.
ReplyDeleteAs for vote rigging, there have been over 35 lawsuits related to the election. In 34 of them, the plaintiffs have presented zero evidence, and the lawyers have said that they have none. Only Giuliani keeps saying 'any day now'.
One GOP governor offered $1 million for hard evidence, and got none.
As always, it's mostly innuendo. For example, 'Zman' notes the 'suspicious' increase in voter totals, when a) they have been increasing for a long time; b) US participation is generally low compared with much of the world and c) Trump gained votes from 2016 as well.
ReplyDeletePresent some actual evidence of wrong-doing. For what it's worth, that can be established as fact on the GOP side. Lindsay Graham was recorded talking to the Secretary of State for Georgia, trying to get him to toss out millions of legitimate votes. In Georgia, Florida, Ohio and several Southern states, hundreds of thousands of registered voters (most of whom 'just happen' to be Democrats) were struck off the roles illegally, just before the election. This also happened in 2000.