Thursday, October 15, 2020

Rupert Murdoch: quote of the day

Harold Evans, former Times / Sunday Times editor, giving evidence to Lord Leveson in 2012, admitted having privately described Murdoch as..

'evil incarnate, the very personification of it. He's had his heart removed long ago, together with all his moral faculties and his human sensibility.'

Murdoch had bought both papers in 1981 and moved Evans across from editing the Sunday title to heading the daily, but sacked him after twelve months. Even so, the above description feels like much more than simple long-standing resentment.

News Corp, of which Murdoch has been Executive Chairman since 2013, owns (among many other things) UK papers The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times and The Times Literary Supplement and is a shareholder in the Press Association. In the US it owns the New York Post and Wall Street Journal.

Quite a lot to entrust to 'evil incarnate.'

Quotation found in Private Eye number 1532, page 13.


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