The following is a riposte to some commenters at The Conservative Woman, where a version of yesterday's post was published:
Covid-19 a scare story? Pace
a number of commenters on the last piece: no. You will recall that Professor
Ferguson was quoted as saying the risk of infection in the UK could be 60% and
the fatality rate 1%, meaning (given the size of our population) a possible
400,000 victims.
That is simply logic. If the
coronavirus spreads easily and nobody does anything, many people will catch it.
The point is to change our behaviour to reduce the risk. Some of those changes
can be a matter of individual choice, some collective.
The wrong collective action may
result in worse outcomes. The ‘Diamond Princess’ cruise ship had some 3,700
souls on board when ten passengers were diagnosed with the illness
. In quarantine, the number of cases has risen to 691 (as of 26 Feb 12:25 GMT
). That is about 18 per cent of passengers and crew, not the 60 per cent that
the Professor speculated; on the other hand, these were frightened people
keeping in their quarters, trying very hard not to be the next patients. Sadly,
the ship’s ventilation system could have helped spread the virus
, in a way similar to Legionnaire’s Disease
Of those infected, only four (less
than one per cent) have died so far; but the passengers on a luxury sea voyage
will be well-nourished, well-cared-for people, and the seriously ill were taken
to Japanese hospitals, presumably among the best in the world. Globally (but so
far, overwhelmingly in China), 3.4 per cent of cases have resulted in death, 37
percent have recovered and 59 per cent are still fighting the illness; so it is
too early to say what the true ratios will finally turn out to be.
However, let’s say for the sake of
argument everybody decides to ignore all risks and precautions and the
Professor’s estimate is exactly correct. Result: 0.6 per cent of the UK
population dies; but by the same token, that means 99.4 per cent will not
die of Covid-19 (though many may suffer a period of unpleasant illness.)
What we need is neither panic nor blasé
complacency; we need perspective. In 2017 the UK population was (officially)
65.6 million
, and 607,172 people died from all causes
– less than one in a hundred. In fact, the average person’s risk of dying in
the next twelve months stays below one per cent until they hit their late
. You have to be in your mid-eighties before the chance of meeting the Grim
Reaper gets higher than ten per cent – good odds!
Why all the fuss then? you may
ask. The issue is avoidability: the Office for National Statistics
estimates that almost a quarter of those 2017 deaths – i.e. over 140,000
fatalities – could have been avoided, either by ‘timely and effective
healthcare’ or ‘public health interventions’ (and there are three big things we
can do personally to improve our chances of a long life
.) A laissez-faire approach to Covid-19 could add up to 400,000 unnecessary
deaths to the total – quadrupling the toll.
We can’t leave everything to our
chronically inept government. Apart from anything else, we have to think what
we would do if, say, some lockdown was imposed and shop shelves were cleared in
panic buying, as has happened in Italy
– our worst enemy could be other people’s behaviour. It’s no good waiting till
then: as the ancient Greek saying goes, there is no borrowing a sword in time
of war.
Not only are there practical
things we can do to protect ourselves, we have a good idea who is most at risk
so we can give them extra help. For example, we can ensure that an elderly or
infirm relative has enough goods in the house not to have to go out if the
virus has come nearby; and that visitors, carers and medical staff are firmly
reminded to check who they’ve been in contact with recently and to sanitise
their hands frequently. Alternatively, if you’re impatient for Granny’s worldly
goods, take her out for a bus ride daily at schools chucking-out time; or a
We all have to go sometime, but if
we plan the right course of action it is likely we will die another day, not
today; that should provide us with a quantum of solace.
One can only hope.