According to research published in Nature, the first bipedal ancestor of modern humans may have come from southern Europe. Dubbed Danuvius Guggenmosi, the remains were found in Bavaria and date from c. 11.5 million years ago.
Only a few weeks before this discovery, another research team speculated that a 10-million-year-old pelvis belonging to another species called Rudapithecus Hungaricus may have enabled it to walk upright, too.
Before now, says the Daily Mail's report, the earliest evidence of two-legged hominids came from Kenya - the 6 million-year-old remains of Orrorin Tugenensis - and some fossilised footprints on the island of Crete.
"The discovery of Danuvius may shatter the prevailing notion of how bipedalism evolved: that perhaps 6 million years ago in East Africa a chimpanzee-like ancestor started to walk on two legs after environmental changes created open landscapes and savannahs where forests once dominated."
So rather than coming from Africa, it's possible that some of humanity's ancestors may have gone there before re-migrating northwards.
Cross-posted on The Polynesian Times:
We do know that there were multiple out-migrations.
ReplyDeleteOr "Oot-greet," as they used to say.
ReplyDelete'Oot-greet' is a hello from a Scotsman while on a walk.