I think it's becoming clear that Brexit is going to be a long-drawn-out process, even after (or rather, because of) the "deal" that PM Johnson seems set to push through Parliament and the EU.
There's plenty of detailed academic-type discussion available online, but I think there is a gap in the market for a more simple, user-friendly vade mecum. So I am working on a blog that will provide information, links to documents and websites etc and act as a plain guide to the issues and history.
I would like to show both sides of the argument, but I wonder whether, like me, you have found it difficult to find sources that make the case for Remain anything like as thoroughly as the many proponents of Leave? So although - on the whole - I think we should leave the EU, it would be helpful to have links to logical and factual arguments from Remainers.
Your suggestions are warmly welcomed - can be an O/T comment on any post here or on the new blog, All About Brexit: https://allaboutbrexit.blogspot.com/
"I think it's becoming clear that Brexit is going to be a long-drawn-out process"
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, I think it is clear that IF 'Brexit' IS a long-drawn-out process, then there will be NO real-Brexit.
The long and complex process is an Alternative to Brexit.
And an alternative in which I have no interest; beyond recognising that fact.
My hope for Brexit is always that it leads to an awakening, a recognition of our situation. Without that, Breixt is merely an administrative arrangment.
Whereas if the "Brexit process" triggers such an awakening in enough people, then that awakening would lead to consequences far better and beyond mere Brexit.
@Bruce: it'd be good to get quick closure, but if not, then even if the battle is over the war is not, so to speak. The EU isn't going to last forever in any case.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting trend - I think it's a trend - is that some Remainers are softening: https://www.itv.com/news/2019-08-21/sir-david-attenborough-people-are-fed-up-with-european-union/
@S - My point is that Brexit is a battle, not the war. If we get it, as I hope, we will be no better-off *as such* than the other Western nations who are Not in the EU, and who are (and have been for decades), Like Us, choosing the path of materialism, hedonism, nihilism and despair.
ReplyDeleteSo long as people (esepcially the most intelligent, wealthy, most high status, most highly educated) - individually and en masse - so hate themselves that, for example, they have all but given up Even As An Ideal on monogamous lifelong marriage, family and enough children to replace the current population; then we will all soon be finished, one way or another.
Another example: the way in which the literal mass abuse/ castration/ mutilation/ drugging of children - linked to the homo-trans agenda, and other abuses of psychiatry - is being compulsorily imposed. And no discernable resistance. A supine, psychotic population.
An independent Britain of such people as we have become has no hope. It must be just the first step, and the further steps must come very soon after.
And that means God, and that (for us, for sure) means Christianity (of some kind, yet to be decided) - without which, it is all Titanic deckchairs.
I have often said that Brexit is just the start.