Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't try this at home (NSFW: adult content)

While the ransomware business continues to afflict the NHS, an informant tells me of another way Europe's biggest employer is being needlessly inconvenienced: kinky eroticism.

A man comes in with not one, but two large carrots driven serially into his rectum by his wife, puncturing his colon and requiring a partial colostomy. The vegetables are surgically removed and, as per protocol, returned to their owner.

Another arrives with a similar difficulty, explaining that he has "fallen on the lavatory brush". Good thing it wasn't Carmen Miranda's hat.

Women can be that stupid, too: one presents herself at the hospital with a whole apple in her back passage - so deep that staff can't remove it without a major operation (the patient finally manages to expel it herself, somehow). The fruit is a variety called Pink Lady.

Turning to the front bottom: a young man from the Eastern Med turns up with a nasty infection because he has injected his penis with Vaseline to enlarge the head. Apparently this is not an unknown practice back home.

The biggest challenge of all for doctors and nurses is preserving a professional straight face.


  1. Many years ago I was at the Middlesex Hospital in London collecting a friend who had just had an operation.
    He told me of a conversation with a doctor, no idea how it got there, about items removed fro mens bottoms including a one ltr bottle of Fairy Liquid, the other items are not for publication.
    I would have paid to see that one described arriving face down on a trolley or on a 38 bus !

  2. Somehow I don't think robot sex will improve the situation.

  3. My urologist told me of a patient that he had. A pastor, who used to go out on the golf course at night, collect night crawlers (earthworms), and insert them up his urethra, because he liked the feeling. Apparently, the ossified worms in his bladder looked like spaghetti.

  4. @Paddington: pastor or pasta?


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