JD writes: A musical treat this week :)
After being pleasantly surprised by the music transcribed from the Heironymus Bosch painting I explored more into medieval music and found some wonderful music, some of it sounding very modern: timeless perhaps?
Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music
Troubadour love song by Arany Zoltán
Anonymous (13th Century): El Cant de la Sibil·la Provençal / M. Figueras & J. Savall
Durme, Durme (Traditional Sephardic Lullaby)
English Dance "13th century"
Beatriz of Dia - A chantar m'er de so:
The Comtessa de Dia (Countess of Die), probably named Beatritz or Beatriz (1140-1175), was a trobairitz (female troubadour). She is only known as the comtessa de Dia in contemporary documents, but was almost certainly named Beatriz and likely the daughter of Count Isoard of Diá (a town northeast of Montelimar in southern France). She was married to William of Poitiers, but was in love with and sang about Raimbaut of Orange (1146-1173). Beatrice's poems were often set to the music of a flute. Five of her works survive, including 4 cansos and 1 tenson. "A chantar m'er de so" is the only existing song by Beatriz which survived with music.
This is not exactly medieval but it is included because I love it as well as the story that a very young Mozart 'stole' it after hearing it sung in the Sistine Chapel-
I think you will agree that is something different indeed :)
Loved the English dance.