Given that Republicans are strongly in favour of self-reliance, big business and the free market, while the Democrats have inclusion and the common good as their official platform planks, this data appears to be counter-intuitive. It does, however, explain why the Democrats have a hard time getting anything done, as they try to please everyone.
One possible explanation is the Game Theory of John von Neumann
and John Nash. In brief, many human interactions, including economic
transactions, can be modeled as a finite collection of players playing a game.
Each player has a finite set of possible decisions/strategies, and a pay-off
function, which depends on all of the current choices being made (for a very
good explanation, see the Wikipedia entry at ).
Nash showed that each such game has at least one Nash equilibrium. This is a choice of
strategies such that, if any single player changes their choice, their pay-off
will decrease. Getting there requires perfect knowledge of all other choices,
which is most easily achieved by cooperation.So what is it that Democrats do ‘better’? I would argue the concept of public spending as investment, not waste. Here are the kinds of projects usually funded by Democrats, but vehemently fought by Republicans.
Infrastructure – build better roads, water systems, airports etc, and companies can move products and workers more efficiently. In addition, construction involves well-paid jobs, which increases the tax base.
Entitlements – as onerous as this word is to hard-working people,
we don’t often see the elderly starve to death, or massive epidemics. Every US
city is probably safer than Buenos Aires. How would that change if the poor
were actually living on the streets in large numbers?
Education – better-educated people make for a better society, are
healthier and less likely to commit crimes (except for fraud).
Science – a bigger contributor to economic growth than abundant natural
resources. The problem is that it requires huge investment for unlikely
pay-off. This is generally not what companies like to do. Those that do so want
results to be proprietary, which necessarily stifles the free exchange of
information that progress requires.
So what can we conclude? Mathematics can predict that some
cooperation is better for the economy than pure competition. However, this prediction is after the fact, which is much less useful than before. The only people who will accept the original data are those to whom it is emotionally satisfying, namely economists and Democrats. Republicans will find a way to ignore or explain it away. In other words, the book is sadly unnecessary.
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The Amazon comments on "They're Not Even Close" are entertaining. Politics certainly divides people.
ReplyDeleteAs a scientist and mildly autistic, I am amazed that people's opinions trump facts.
ReplyDeleteDepends who controls congress doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteIf he manages to prove his point in a book of 126 pages then all power to him. However, there are so many problems to consider. For example, how well do government policies translate into improved economic figures and what are the timelags involved? Given that this book is 126 pages and covers 50 odd states plus the US as a whole, how much real analysis is given rather than just a few bald tables of statistics? It is trivially true that the US financial position was stronger when Clinton left the White House than when he entered it. How much was down to the Democrats? The checks and balances of the constitution seemed to ensure that although the population loved the idea of Clinton as President, they didn't actually want him to do anything. He was a lame duck president faced with a Republican Congress. So how much of his legislative program did he carry out? And how much of the "improvement" was down to Congress (Newt Gingrich et al) forcing him to reduce the deficit etc?