- Mutualise the NHS and all social weal services
- Replace Whitehall with mutualised administration
- Disallow all additional Sir Humphrey pension emoluments after 2006
- Stop immigration dead now
- Start retraining our over-educated, under-equipped workforce
- Stop building boxes and start growing food
- Leave the EU, let Scotland bugger off if it wants to
- Stop all rises and bonuses at taxpayer-owned banks
- Make any form of bank bailin illegal
- Purge the police force of crooks
- Stop non-taxpayers from owning media titles
- Sanitise Westminster’s money-lobbying forever
- Come down hard on multinational tax avoidance
- Introduce compulsory uniformed Social Service for every child without exception from age 12-14
- Put respect for others at the centre of education.
Saturday, January 04, 2014
Vote for John Ward!
At last, a party political manifesto I could get behind:
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