Some have suggested it was the extraordinary shale-based renaissance of US gas and oil production that did for the Drum. Probably not. But, fairly or unfairly, the Drum was associated with 'peak oil', which at its simplest is a view (or theory or doctrine or whatever) that global oil production - as a function of oil-in-the-ground - is doomed to peak, after which we start 'running out of oil'.
At its simplest, it is Malthusian hogwash. Of course, there are more nuanced versions than that, and the Drum shouldn't be tarred with the brush one would use for countering hogwash. Much more important is the concept of EROEI - energy return on energy invested, which has been another Drum favourite. And this concept really does bear careful consideration. Declining EROEI could be the end of civilisation as we know it for, in the immortal words of James Lovelock - "civilisation is energy-intensive". Better believe it.
So - no more drum-beat. But you'll not stop hearing about EROEI.
This post appeared first on the Capitalists@Work blog
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Love that "muffled drum": very witty.
ReplyDeleteRe blogging dropouts, as I said on CapAtWork:
The Oil Drum people say they didn't have enough contributors to keep going, plus internet reading is changing - more writers, fewer readers per piece.
One of the authors says he could get more hits by being sensational but didn't want to go that way, and I think we can all see what tends to generate more interest.
I do get the sense that attention span is declining and there's more emphasis on flashy ephemera. Don't we see politics playing to this trend?
So as far as TOD is concerned, ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
"At its simplest, it is Malthusian hogwash."
ReplyDeletePopular hogwash though.
thanks, sackers
ReplyDeleteBTW I stuck up an answer to your qn on 'natural' gas, here
ND: so I noticed. Still has a whiff of spin though, doesn't it? Natural uranium next.
ReplyDeleteEROEI is part of peak oil and of Malthusianism.
ReplyDeleteEROEI is part of peak oil and of Malthusianism.