Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Never, ever give up

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: a half-starved black cat has appeared at the kitchen door of our hard-to-get-into garden. After some food and drink, she is now laying siege outside. We have already progressed to the cardboard-box-and-blanket-in-the-garage-and-get-some-catfood-in stage.


Discovered last month, a dog living on Africa's highest mountain. And back in 1950, a kitten followed a party of climbers to the top of the Matterhorn:

Perhaps I shouldn't quit, after all.


  1. The greatness of the British Empire was made possible by the bloody-mindedness of the population.

  2. If that's encouragement, I'm taking it.

  3. ...and I still want that cat; all right, one of his descendants.

  4. The world as we know it was built by obsessive-compulsives.

  5. If she fattens up instead of dying from feline HIV or whatever, we're done for.

  6. A long time ago now we had a cat called Tigger (well when you have kids they just are called Tigger). Anyway, Tigger disappeared for about 6 years but there was the occasional royal visit. One day a elderly lady turned up on our door step with a box of cat food and of course Tigger. Apparently she was moving to "serviced accommodation" and cats weren't allowed. Tigger strolled in, looked about. settled on the sofa and of course that was that 'till the end of her days... You just can't beat them for following the food and opportunism :)

  7. This one is sleeping in the garage at night, comes out to demand food at breakfast and then curls up near the door. Nothing to her physically, but I sense an iron determination.


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