Saturday, January 09, 2010

GDP: friend or foe?

I attended the British Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Birmingham in 1977, and even then economists were asking whether GDP was a useful measure. The example I remember was eating more sweets and consequently visiting the dentist more often.

Should we be quite so concerned about goosing GDP with quantitative easing etc, or is it just a trap to make us continue misallocating resources?


  1. Advancement of science eh? Does it need it?

  2. James - yes, or we'd still be hacking flints and shivering.

    ACO - quite, wish the Treasury and BoE and FSA agreed. Though that doesn't address the sweets-and-dentist thing.

  3. Sackerson - if only we could get our leaders and the populace to understand what you said in your comment.

  4. I didn't realise you were so old! ;-)

  5. "Sackerson said... Inside, there is no age."

    Either Confucius, or the wrapper on a Twinkie (non-US residents look that up).

  6. I categorically deny that I am a Twinkie.


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