Sunday, December 07, 2008

You know you're in trouble when...

... they give a new name to an old crime, in this case, dubbing inflation "quantitative easing".

This phrase yielded an estimated 159,000 results on Google today; watch for imminent "Google result hyperinflation" with respect to this weaselly term. Sackerson is offering a prize for the first sighting of a cartoon in the MSM featuring it.

P.S. 3,210 Google-found news items have it (all dates); 970 in the past month but 1,619 in the last day (how does that statfreak happen?) The earliest news reference found via Google is July 1, 1995 - relating to China's commercial bank reform. A Communist plot, then!

Death to the paper tigers! We demand only tigers with intrinsic value!


  1. I've had a fair bit of quantitative easing of the pockets but soon it will be quantitative replenishment.

  2. Not yet, sir but I'm in the running for four.

  3. I saw this and thought WTF. They probably spend more time looking up the words than trying to understand finance.


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