Monday, November 10, 2008

"I've got a little list"

It was apparent five or six years ago that credit card debt, mortgage borrowing and house prices were rising too fast.

Howard Flight, in today's Daily Mail.

As they break cover to make themselves appear wise now, you may care to amuse yourself by compiling a list of those who knew at the time, and didn't say.


  1. it's also quite amusing to watch Toynbee, Ashley et al edging tortuously away from their belated 'Gordon must go' positions of September

    mazy running !, as the rugby commentators say

  2. "meandering with a mazy motion", as Coleridge puts it.

  3. I'm so glad that this is now coming out in hindsight. Don't want to push the point but I did wonder two years ago about this.

  4. I wondered about this in the US at least 20 years ago.


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