Monday, November 17, 2008


Is it me, or has this formerly-funny radio programme become a tendentious political broadcast aiming to reinforce the prejudices of a snickering, sycophantic coterie of not-as-smart-as-they-think-they-are socialists? Alan Coren, thou shouldst be living at this hour.


  1. "snickering": are they Americans, then?

  2. Phew! That's articulation plus, Sackers.

  3. I never listen anymore - it just makes me want to pick my radio up and hurl it out of the window.........and that gets expensive after the first few times.

  4. James, Sobers - I'm grumpy. It used to be one of my Saturday pleasures. DM: didn't know "snickering" was an Americanism. They cerainly wouldn't be able to assume such a degree of audience complicity in the US.

  5. "Sniggering" is what you mean: it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise why Americans don't say it any more.


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