Friday, September 05, 2008

A new theory of the Big Bang

13.7 billion years ago, an ape-evolved creature supervises the last stages of construction, before testing the Large Hadron Collider.


  1. On Mock the Week last night, someone, I think it was the Scottish one, said, 'they say there's only a 50 million to one chance of it all going wrong. I think if there's any chance at all, they shouldn't do it.'

    He might have a point. We'll see next week.

  2. it sounds like the End of the Sci-Fi book series "A Clash of Cymbals"

  3. Don't know that one; but I recall a SF short story where scientists create a minute black home, which then falls to and through the centre of the Earth, picking up atoms as it oscillates across the planet's interior...

  4. Chill out everyone. I don't think we have anything to worry about and I'll be very surprised if any dark matter drops out the end.

  5. Or is this how they make Marmite?

  6. It would explain the awful taste.

    Maybe people who like Marmite are from a mirror world?


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