Saturday, September 06, 2008

How much further can the pound slump?


  1. All fiat currencies slump to zero in the end.

  2. I should imagine that the dollar will fall again soon as the fannie/freddie bail out strikes a home run on the national debt.

    Mind you, that will probably stop our slide rather than reverse it. £1.75 seems about the right rate to me; but currencies are impossible to predict!

  3. I wonder what became of my father's bag of cowrie shells.

  4. The dollar has been shooting the moon lately. There were a lot of accounts facing the same direction. There still are, but many of the weaker hands have abandoned ship. I think that there are some people getting back in to retest the waters.

    Personally, I'm probably going to buy some physical bullion this week. I want platinum, so that's on my list. I'm also thinking about getting some of those 1oz silver coins for Christmas presents (most people in my family don't care for them too much, but they have never traded one in, so I figure I'm doing them a favor).

  5. Looks like Fannie and Freddie saga may be the starter for the inflation race.


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