Monday, August 11, 2008

23 years of FTSE growth, RPI-adjusted


  1. Migh be more fun to adjust for MX (where x=1234).

  2. Wish I had the stats and expertise of others; also, that I could say what exactly is the best measure of inflation. By RPI, the FTSE hasn't gained since 1997, which feels about right to me; that's when I started to formulate my personal survival plan.

  3. P.S. Perhaps someone could chart it against house prices, and the cost of a Mars Bar.

  4. Mars Bars were 99p per pack of five in our Co-op recently. Bargain!

  5. Conclusive proof that we are undergoing deflation. See this 1983 article on the Mars Bars Index:

  6. Doing it against average wages would be good, here's the calculator that I use

    And can you go any further back (using an older index), to test the theory that "The stock exchange goes up under the Tories and down under Labour"?

  7. Thanks, Mark, will have a look.

    As to the second, I believe there is a correlation between the period running up to a General Election, and a rise in the stock market.


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