Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New: UK private schools fully-funded by the State

A friend has just sent me this article, originally from The Economist (14 June 2008). It's about the private-school revolution in Sweden, which is now coming here (starting in Richmond).

I've often wondered what the education system does with all the money - £6,000 a head times 30 children (if you're an English or maths teacher) = £180,000, but the classroom teacher's standard pay and pension might only use £30k-£40k a year.

Here's the website for the Swedish outfit trying their luck with a couple of academies in Greater London.


  1. Is that what the state spends per pupil? 6K? That would go nearly 2/3rds of the way to paying for the day pupil fees at my old school (currently £3300/term). I bet there would be a lot of takers if you could take your 6K per child and educate your children wherever you liked, topping it up if neccessary.

  2. Agreed. Though I think children learn a lot from each other - which is why some parents might want selective schooling.

  3. It is quite sad how much money is lost in administration...

  4. I advocate that ALL parents pay for their child's education.

    Paying makes you a lot more interested in what you are buying.

    At the moment I believe a large number of parents use schools as a free crèche.


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