Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Dinner at G8

WORLD leaders sat down to an 18-course gastronomic extravaganza at a G8 summit in Japan, which is focusing on the food crisis.

Don't scoff.

I've tried to work up an alternative menu, esp. for Gordon Brown's place (roast turkey?), but so far all I can manage is the wine:

Sweet Cherie (n/a)

Sancerre smiles

Beau jolly

Sham pain

Con yak


  1. For Gordon:

    Starters: In the soup
    Entree: Stuffed (almost anything anywhere)
    Main Course: Dead Duck
    Dessert: Burned fingers

    Drinks: Whore licks. (Is that how it is spelt?)

    Bon appetit

  2. Parma Ham Berlusconi

    Mince à la Mandelson

    Select cuts of pork:
    - Pig’s Ear
    - Snout-in-the-Trough

    Offal & Tripe

    Side-dish of well-ripened tomatoes, hand-thrown by onlookers

    Crème Écosse (‘Cowardy’ custard)

    Hard cheese
    Sour grapes

    To finish:

    Bombe surprise, hand-thrown by onlookers

  3. plus a 'special' for Gordon:

    Chicken in a basket-case

  4. plus something for George Bush -

    Baked Alaska, served global-warm

    and a rather sinister dish cooked specially by Mr Медведев's personal chef

    Cold cuts, served à la russe

  5. But, DEFINITELY, no crumpet!!!


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