Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bubble economy is beyond satire

My brother sends me a link to this article in the internet satire mag The Onion:

Recession-Plagued Nation Demands New Bubble To Invest In

... The current economic woes, brought on by the collapse of the so-called "housing bubble," are considered the worst to hit investors since the equally untenable dot-com bubble burst in 2001. According to investment experts, now that the option of making millions of dollars in a short time with imaginary profits from bad real-estate deals has disappeared, the need for another spontaneous make-believe source of wealth has never been more urgent....

Has the author read iTulip's Eric Janszen on the "bubble economy"? If he has, he'll know Janszen expects the next craze to be alternative energy - full Harper's article here.


  1. Hi Sackerson:

    I loved this line: "Every American family deserves a false sense of security."

    Have you seen the movie yet?


  2. Which movie, or are you pulling my leg?

  3. I was caught up in something yesterday which showed that the situation is dire. All for people talking it up but policies are more telling.

  4. Sackerson:

    The Onion made a movie.

  5. My word! I didn't realise that one could simultaneously be a special needs teacher and a financial advisor!

  6. Hello, Can Bass 1. Obviously, one of those is on the back burner, actually has been since 1999. Even so, pretty tiring. But this is not a time for people to limit themselves to one string on their bow.

  7. Carbon trading - and when that bubble bursts the smell will be dreadful.

  8. Welcome, Aileni. Which part of Wales? I went to Monmouth School - no remission for good behaviour.


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