Saturday, March 22, 2008

Inflation - UK (latest in RED)

UK M4 accelerated in past 5 years

Prof. Costas Milas: M4 money supply growth up to 10% p.a. not significantly inflationary

M4 expansion offset by declining velocity of money (see 2005 slide below) (plus UK M4 in £billions, below, right)


BoE Bulletin (Q3 2007): "Interpreting Movements in Broad Money"


  1. And a vast behind, which I blame on blogging. I did say I'd switch to reading other people - this is what I'm finding. Lovelock's theory, if the Chinese leadership give credence to it, suggests they'll have to expand out of the Middle Kingdom.

  2. Nice stuff on China - I ran a long piece on it but these are nice updates. Coal burning form them is our most immediate problem over here.

  3. Also, I feel Amerman is right.


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