Thursday, November 01, 2007

"Wall of Worry" poll results

It seems respondents are as much confused as I am, about which way to go. I quoted Benjamin Graham's advice for passive investors, which is to strike some balance between equities and high-quality bonds, anywhere from 25:75 to 75:25, with a default position of 50:50.

The results are almost exactly divided: 8 at the top end for equities, 8 at the bottom for bonds, 7 voting for a 50:50 split, and one for 65% equities/35% bonds.

1 comment:

  1. If everything financial is poor value, don't buy it. I want something that I can use as currency in a couple of years time, consume myself if I wish, is easy to heave up into the attic, and isn't perishable. Tungsten-filament light-bulbs!


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