Friday, October 19, 2007

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

The Potter's Wheel

Off for a short break - back soon. But what a time to pick - the Federal Reserve having just granted maybe $100 billion of special exemptions to major banks (see yesterday's post).


  1. Will you have an economy to come back to?

  2. Flip answer: did we have one to start with? Serious answer: I'm pretty sure we will. It's the long-term decline that concerns me now, the gyrations on the way less so.

  3. This worries me a little because I've seen fine bloggers say they'll come back then don't.

  4. Thanks for sharing the Potters Wheel. I haven't seen that for a long time.

  5. You might be amused by Matt Parris in today's Times:
    He's realised that "real estate" has become "currency". The MSM is nowadays routinely days behind the BLI (Blogland Light Infantry).

  6. Colin: you're welcome. How's sunny Oz? An interesting area to live and invest these days, I believe.

    Dearieme: I think you're right. Watch for more knocking copy in the MSM about bloggers soon, I've no doubt.


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