Friday, October 26, 2007

Kicking through the slush

Here's something from Seeking Alpha about the proposed new post-subprime mess bank rescue fund, the "Master-Liquidity Enhancement Conduit" or MLEC for short.

The way I remember this acronym is to imagine (falsely, of course) that MLEC stands for Merrill Lynch Emergency Cash.

By the way, Joseph Heller pointed out in Catch-22 that "enhance" does not mean "increase", it means to make something stand out against a background. No Sackerson Prose Prize for this $75-billion mealy-mouthed monicker: too much perfume in it, not enough soap.


  1. Citibank get an 23A exemption involving their UK brokerage!

    It's citibank that's the zombie bank.

  2. Thanks, ACO: does this mean Citibank is preparing to pump money into its UK subsidiary?


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