Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dow survey update

One more day and we'll stop - thanks for your responses. We've seen a little bit of a rally in the last 36 hours and so far (12.35 New York time) the Dow is down 2.55% from its 25 July close. Pessimism is also down a bit - less than two-thirds expect the Dow to be below 13,000 at year end.

Any more votes?


  1. Sackerson,
    Using today’s S&P Case-Shiller data release, I have updated my
    (it is ca. “How far is down?” for homes)
    which chart I had earlier noted at

  2. Thanks, Ed. In the UK, the "Daily Mail" had a report today on an estimated 20% drop in house prices - though stagnation is at least as likely, I'd have thought, excepting forced sales.


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