Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pay your bills, or lose your assets

You can rely on Richard Daughty to carry on fighting the brave fight - I really think it's pro bono publico, as I don't see any attempt to turn his work into sales leads for him.

Yesterday's essay continues with the theme of global credit expansion to keep up with the seemingly unstoppable increase of dollars. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for two considerations:

1. Inflation is unevenly spread, and the 10+ % money supply increase is inadequately reflected in your bank savings interest, so your money is rotting away there. You then have the unenviable task of deciding where else to store your wealth to stop it shrinking.

2. While our governments continue to turn the currency into used bus tickets, the trade imbalances deteriorate, and the international wealth transfers and the world's economic instability worsen.

Will America always be able to make the interest payments on its rapidly-swelling debt? Or is she prepared to see the debt turn into foreign ownership of the economy?

There's a century-old Punch cartoon that shows a plumber sitting on the step of a middle-class house. A passing colleague asks him how the job is going, and he replies that he's taken the house in payment for his work.

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